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Precision Picture Hanging

You need a picture hanger?

Mark Blatman from Precision Picture Hanging Melbourne

You might want your pictures Symmetrically hung, Salon hung or even in a Top/Tail arrangement. You may prefer that we use  existing picture rails, or maybe you want an alternative creative installation using a gallery hanging system. Do your surrounds and spaces have zones, where thoughtful wall design can complement the sense of cohesion?

Lets talk about positioning and impact, be it:

“Make it the room’s showpiece…”,
“Ensure we feel uplifted when we come home…” or
“Let the art make a subtle statement…”

We’ll apply our meticulous expertise to do justice to your prized possession.

You want to display the art perfectly, so that it gives years of enjoyment and pride. And because art has value (monetary and sentimental) you don’t want enduring resentment over badly positioned or poorly hung pieces. Trust us!

You simply want any additions or changes to enhance the ambience and look of the room.

Over fifteen years experience shows even simple installations can present tricky problems. In reality, no two jobs are ever exactly the same. Brick, studs, and steel  hidden behind plaster present twists and turns. Rest assured, we know what to look for. There’s an art to this picture hanging business.

Mark Blatman from Precision Picture Hanging all over Melbourne
The art of picture hanging. Call Mark